Tutti-Futti Tea Time Cake Easy Recipe

Tea Time Cake is a Delicious flavoured cake which turns out super soft and moist. This makes a perfect tea time snack or cake which taste so delicious, Easy to prepare and liked by everyone #Aaugritaa #Bakery #Cakes #Presentation #Yummy

Chocolate Walnut Brownies Easy Recipe

A chocolate brownie or simply a brownie is a square or rectangular chocolate baked treat. Brownies come in a variety of forms and may be either fudgy or cakey, depending on their density. They may include nuts, frosting, cream cheese, chocolate chips, or other ingredients #Aaugritaa #Presentation #Foodie #Chef #Baking #Brownies

Garlic Bread Easy Recipe

Garlic bread consists of bread, topped with garlic and olive oil or butter and may include additional herbs, such as oregano or chives. It is then either grilled or broiled until toasted or baked in a conventional or bread oven. #Aaugritaa #GarlicBread #Presentation #Yummy #Foodie